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Building a Resilient Workforce

Strategies for Workers’ Comp and Employee Well-being

Wednesday, August 7th

2:00 - 2:45 EST


Complete Form to Register for the Webinar

Join our webinar Building a Resilient Workforce, to learn from industry expert, Dr. Claire Muselman,, as she share her extensive knowledge and practical insights on leveraging data, resources, emotional intelligence, and employee engagement to create a stronger, more resilient workforce.

Here's what you'll learn:

Workforce Resilience: Understanding the capacity of employees to withstand, recover, and grow amidst stress and change.

Importance of Resilience: Faster recovery times, better mental health, sustained productivity, and cost savings.

Enhancing Employee Well-Being: Mental health support, creating a positive work environment, and providing necessary resources.

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership: Balancing emotional and logical decision-making, effective communication, and leadership training.

Learn from industry experts

Join our panelists for a discussion and Q&A about how they've created winning workers' compensation strategies.


Dr. Claire Muselman


headshots-round - Ian

Ian Colton

Business Development Manager

MedCall Advisors